Your Premium eJuice Company – Vine Vapors
The Team at Vine Vapors Thanks You!
Shop Owners and their customers love our juice! The fact is we started by filling a need that even some of the most reputable ejuice makers still aren’t even considering – the need for a TASTY vape drip line. A few manufacturers are making an effort, but many are falling short.
Flavor Power!
When it comes to flavors we discovered that single flavor vapes can be OK occasionally, but for a richer experience three and more flavors in concert will dominate! But not just any three flavors will do, we have worked tirelessly to bring you the flavor combinations that pop, zing and caress your palette. Most often you will get one flavor on the inhale, another while the vapor rests in your mouth, another on exhale and even one more in the aftertaste for a thoroughly mouth-watering and satisfying vape!
Nic Strength
First, drip mod and higher wattage tank owners need a different nicotine level, and for many the stand 3 mg is too strong, enter our 2.5 mg nicotine strength. For many others 3 mg isn’t strong enough yet 6 mg will scorch their throats, enter our 4.5 mg strength formulated just for them.
Flavor Content
The other downfall of so many drip line manufacturers is a lack of flavor (not to mention so many failed bad flavors). The reason is that less PG means less flavor. We have worked extra hard to get everything but flavor into the VG so there is more of the flavor for you to enjoy.

Our Methodology – All Natural & Smooth!!
First we start by making a flavorless and comfortable all natural base blend. Just like everyone else, we use Nicotine, VG and PG. From there we add just the right amount of several ingredients that combat the basic alkaline nature of nicotine (which can cause irritation), sweeten the bad taste of nicotine, enhance the pop of flavors and the juiciness of the vapor, and even more that soothe your nasal passage ways – without removing the throat hit and cloud size that is the pleasure of vaping!
Our Bottle Choice
Ever get tired of taking the cap off? We did! So when we went to pick a bottle for our eJuice flavors, we knew we had to find something ground breaking and we accomplished that. With our custom twist top bottles, depositing eJuice into tanks has never been more convenient. We want to make sure you find value in every single step we take a long the way, and our e Juice bottles are no exception!
Our Short History
We simply couldn’t find the flavors we wanted – so we started making our own! Rave reviews from friends, family and acquaintances told us we had the talent to do it big, so we are! With balance and flavor like you haven’t ever tried before, our Premium eJuice drip line will have you salivating for more.
Our Current Product Line Up
Our juices work perfectly in any tank specifically designed for a higher VG content, so Aspire Atlantis, Kanger Subtank, Joyetech Delta II and eLeaf Lemo owners love us – as do mechanical mod drip owners! If your shop doesn’t yet have the juices these tank owners need – look no further! Also let those shops know we have the flavors and mixes you want to try! Introduce a shop owner now and get free ejuice for life!

Our Roadmap